Successful Women – Your Very Best Life

Your Very Best Life

Attention Ambitious & Successful Women Ready to Level Up...

Shatter Invisible Ceilings, Break Through Hidden Blocks, and Unleash Your Full Potential Without Sacrificing Your Hard-Earned Success

The Rapid New Path to Reclaim Your Power and Redefine Your Life

Hey There!

You’ve climbed the ladder of success, shattered glass ceilings, and built a life many dream of.

You’re the woman others look up to, the one who seems to have it all figured out.

But then… you hit an invisible wall.

Despite your achievements, something feels missing.

Your professional world is thriving, but your personal fulfillment doesn’t match your accomplishments.

You’ve reached a plateau, and now…

Everything feels stagnant.

The life you’ve meticulously crafted suddenly feels incomplete.

Now, you’re ready to level up, but where do you even begin?

The pressure to maintain your success while seeking more…

The fear of being seen as ungrateful for wanting more…

The confused looks from peers who think you should be satisfied…

And the questions. Oh, the relentless questions that haunt your 3 AM thoughts:

I see you. I hear you. I was you.

The sleepless nights…

The sleepless nights…

The forced smiles at networking events…

The doubts you hide from the world…

I know the weight of carrying unfulfilled dreams while maintaining your professional image.

The exhaustion of pushing yourself to the limit, desperately seeking that elusive ‘something more’.

You’ve tried it all, haven’t you?

Motivational seminars that leave you pumped but don’t create lasting change…

Self-help books piling up on your nightstand…

Expensive retreats that feel great in the moment but don’t translate to real life…

And still, you feel stuck.

Trapped in a golden cage of your own success, with no clear path to true fulfillment.

But what if I told you there’s a key to unlock that cage?

A way to break free without sacrificing all you’ve built?


The Quantum Pattern Protocol™ (QPP)

Imagine hitting a reset button on all the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying.

That’s what Quantum Pattern Protocol™ does.

Every thought carries energy, creating feelings in your body that are filtered through your brain and categorized based on your experiences.

These stored emotions and beliefs shape your reality and overall state of being.

Quantum Pattern Protocol™ helps you release these emotions without needing to revisit the trauma that created them in the first place.

It gives you that “reset button” so you can learn to respond to life’s challenges from a new, empowered perspective.

When we implement the Quantum Pattern Protocol ™ you will:

It gives you that “reset button” so you can learn to respond to life’s challenges from a new, empowered perspective.

You’ve overcome challenges and achieved remarkable things in your life.

Now it’s time to embrace your heart’s true desires and break through the barriers holding you back from true love and happiness.

Are you ready to transform your love life with the same fierce determination that made you a success in your career, an amazing mama, or the friend everyone counts on?

Your ‘Hell Yes’ life is waiting.

And it’s more magnificent than you ever dared to dream.

Here’s What Other Women Are Saying…​

“Now I have the ability to create the life that I KNOW I was meant to live!”

When we started my breakthrough process, I felt so stuck….like I was living someone else’s life, and I couldn’t break out of the loop of anger, sadness, and resentment. Eight weeks later, I can honestly say that there are parts of me I barely recognize (in the best way!) Not only did I get clarity and massive awareness about what the problem was and how it was running every part of my life, but I also gained control back over my emotions and, ultimately, my future. The specific tools and new strategies that I have now implemented give me the ability to create the life that I KNOW I was meant to live!

~ Paven

“ I am much less anxious and do not fear what will happen next.”

About a year after the stay-at-home orders were lifted, I realized I had not fully returned to being social and living life again. I realized that I had made my work life my entire life. When something went wrong at work, my entire life was unhappy. I needed someone to help me reset some balance. I needed someone to hold me accountable to make regular progress. Just having support is very helpful. In addition, Riana posts a daily video, which is my daily dose of sunshine. She has guided resetting your intentions, being a magnet for miracles, or just reminding everyone that things are okay, even if they aren’t perfect. She is very authentic and relatable and has shown me that there is a better way. I love having this daily encouragement. Riana made me aware.

That awareness made me curious about the changes I could make to improve my life and happiness. There are so many good things to learn! And I plan to be a lifelong student.

I went from journaling. . . if I remembered before I ran to the gym to a daily practice of meditation, journaling, and affirmations. I make it a daily practice to ask the Universe for guidance, and I no longer try to figure things out by myself. All of these practices have changed how I show up each day. I am much less anxious and do not fear what will happen next.

 ~ Hannah R. 

“To put it plainly, she is the best.”

Riana possesses a remarkable balance of kindness and fearlessness to delve into challenging topics. She has truly opened my eyes, teaching me effective self-communication and nurturing self-love. To put it plainly, she is the best.
I am immensely grateful to have Riana in my life.


I love working with Riana! I have worked with other life coaches and
therapists and while all were good, I feel like Riana just gets me a little
more. She is helping me through the darkest time of my life.
She not only gives me hope that I can work through this, but that I will
thrive and be happier than ever.

~ Susan Graham

I’ve been working with Riana since the end of May , and when I say it’s
been a life changing experience… That’s an absolute understatement! I
have been able to reverse engineer so many toxic loops and negative
thought patterns, all while undoing certain behaviors, actions and
reactions. It has been a purely positive experience for me.

If you’re willing to put in the work and fly at a high frequency, you will pull
in beautiful people, and beautiful experiences. It will enhance your life
personally and professionally. I actually reverse engineered my career
path and a few days later I was offered the position of a lifetime, which
will boost my career to new levels. You can do it too. Thanks Riana.

~ Christianne

Who am I, and why should you care?

Hey there, I’m Riana Malia.

Like many of you, I once stood where you’re standing now.

Successful on paper, but feeling lost and broken inside.

My divorce left me questioning everything – my worth, my future, and my ability to love and be loved again.

I was that woman who seemed to have it all together on the outside.

Thriving career? Check.

Beautiful daughter? Check.

But behind closed doors, I was struggling with the pain of a failed marriage and the fear of starting over.

The turning point came when I realized that traditional therapy wasn’t giving me the rapid transformation I craved.

As a high-achiever, I knew there had to be a more efficient way to heal and move forward.

That’s when I discovered the power of neuro-linguistic programming and quantum healing techniques.

These methods didn’t just change my life – they revolutionized it.

I went from feeling stuck and hopeless to reclaiming my power and creating a life I love.

But I didn’t stop there. I knew I had to share this breakthrough with other women like you.

With over 20 years in coaching and personal development, I’ve become a go-to expert for women looking to heal and step into living their Very Best Lives.

In addition to being uniquely qualified from my own experiences, I am certified as a practitioner of:

I’ve taken these powerful techniques and developed my own unique approach: the Quantum Pattern Protocol™ (QPP).  This proven process, backed by neuroscience and quantum biology has helped hundreds of women, just like us, live the lives we were meant to live.

This revolutionary method allows you to release old patterns and traumas without having to relive them, giving you a fast track to healing and empowerment.

Today, I’m living my “Hell Yes” life.

I’ve found love again, blended families successfully, and built a coaching practice that allows me to help women like you every day.

I’ve guided countless successful women through their post-divorce journey, helping them not just survive, but thrive.

My approach bridges the gap between clinical therapy and practical life coaching.

It’s designed for ambitious women who want real results, fast.

Because I believe you deserve to have it all – career success AND a fulfilling personal life.

Remember, your divorce is a chapter in your story, not the whole book.

Let me show you how to turn the page and write a new chapter filled with love, joy, and success.

Are you ready to say “Hell Yes” to your very best life?

Let’s make it happen together.

Quantum Pattern Protocol™(QPP) vs Traditional Therapy


Traditional Therapy



Painfully revisits past traumas, reopening old wounds.

Gently releases stored emotions without reliving painful memories.

Time Commitment

Drags on for months or years, testing your patience

Delivers rapid results, often within a few transformative sessions.

Emotional Impact

Emotionally exhausting, forcing you to confront distressing memories.

Refreshingly gentle, sparing you from rehashing painful experiences.

Healing Process

Digs deep into childhood issues, potentially stirring up more pain.

Facilitates healing without unearthing buried traumas.


Aims to understand emotions, which can feel like overthinking.

Resets emotional responses, creating empowering new patterns.


Gradual, sometimes frustratingly slow progress

Immediate emotional release, leading to exhilarating shifts in mindset.


Relies on talking through issues, which can feel repetitive.

Uses energy-based and multi-dimensional techniques for a refreshing, innovative approach.


Requires regular appoint-
ments, can be costly over time.

Fewer sessions needed, making it more time and cost-effective.

Your Vibrant Life After Quantum Pattern Protocol™ : A Journey to Your 'Hell Yes' Life

Imagine waking up one morning, the sun streaming through your window, and feeling a surge of excitement you haven’t felt in years.

As you stretch and smile, you realize this isn’t just another day – it’s another beautiful day in your new, empowered life after implementing the Quantum Pattern Protocol™ .

You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, and the woman staring back at you is radiant, confident, and full of life.

Gone are the dark circles of sleepless nights and the weary expression of carrying emotional baggage.

Instead, your eyes sparkle with possibility, and your smile reflects the inner peace you’ve discovered.

As you start your day, you notice how differently you move through the world:

You breeze through your workday, tackling challenges with a newfound clarity and creativity.

Your colleagues notice the change, drawn to your positive energy and innovative ideas.

That promotion you’ve been eyeing?

It suddenly feels within reach, and you’re ready to seize it.

After work, you meet a friend for coffee.

As you chat and laugh, you realize how much more open and authentic your relationships have become.

You’re no longer afraid to be vulnerable, to share your dreams, or to set healthy boundaries.

Your friend marvels at the change in you, saying…

You're glowing! What's your secret?

Later, as you’re getting ready for a date, you feel a flutter of excitement rather than the usual anxiety.

You’re no longer desperate to find ‘the one’ to complete you – you feel wonderfully whole on your own.

Yet, you’re open to sharing your life with someone who recognizes and cherishes your worth.

As you apply your lipstick, you smile at your reflection, knowing you’re ready to attract the kind of love you truly deserve.

Before bed, you take a moment to journal, a practice you’ve come to love.

As you write, you're struck by how different your entries are now:

As you drift off to sleep, a sense of peace washes over you.

You know that whatever tomorrow brings, you have the tools, the strength, and the self-love to handle it with grace.

This is your ‘Hell Yes’ life – vibrant, authentic, and full of possibilities.

And the best part?

It’s only just beginning.

This is the power of Quantum Pattern Protocol™.

This is your future, waiting to unfold.

Are you ready to step into this vibrant new reality?

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